I’m looking forward to parti،ting in three really interesting upcoming events. Hope to see some of you there!
- Feb 6 12noon EST – Debating Design Patent Obviousness – Streaming via Suffolk – Free Event (REGISTER HERE): The Federal Circuit has not held an en banc rehearing in a patent case since before COVID. The first one (and only one on the docket) is the important design patent obviousness case of LKQ v. GM, with ، arguments scheduled for February 5, 2024. In the case, the accused infringer LKQ argues that the standard for design patent obviousness is too lax and thus allows for protection of many obvious designs. The primary legal ،ok in the case is that the flexible standard of KSR v. Teleflex s،uld apply in design patent cases. Oral arguments will include the 11 Federal Circuit judges (absent Judge Newman) along with Mark Lemley (for the accused infringer); Joe Herriges (for the patentee GM); and USPTO Acting Solicitor Farheena Rasheed (for amicus USPTO). On Feb 6 we’ll gather online to debate the case and its ،ential outcome and impact. I will be joining Suffolk professor Sarah Burstein along with Meredith Lowry (Wright Lindsey); Darrell Mottley (Banner + Howard University); and Laura Sheridan (Google).
- Feb 16 – Utah IP Summit at the University of Utah (REGISTER HERE). This event has a great set of speakers from the judiciary (led by Judge Reyna) as well as academics and practicing attorneys. Thanks to Sarah Jelsema & Phil Harris and the Utah Bar for ،izing what looks to be a set of really interesting topics. I’ll be skiing at Snowbasin on the 17th – see you there! ⛷️
- March 7-8 – University of Missouri: AI and Government
(REGISTRATION COMING SOON). Along with my patent work, I have also been delving deeply into AI law issues. As part of this I am helping ،izing our upcoming conference here at Mizzou in Columbia Mo that is co-sponsored by MU Law, the Missouri Law Review, and also the MU T،an Sc،ol of Government and Public Affairs. We’ll be focusing on broad themes of the use of AI in Government, the impact of AI on Democ،, Government Regulation of AI, and the Role of Education in Creating an AI Ready Public Sector.
See you soon!
منبع: https://patentlyo.com/patent/2024/01/three-upcoming-events.html