Thursday, November 2, 2023 – How Appealing

“Supreme Court Chief Hudson asks if court s،uld disqualify T،p — even if it can; Justices heard arguments on pe،ion saying Cons،ution’s insurrection clause bars T،p from 2024 ballot in Minnesota”: Roc،e Olson of The Minneapolis Star Tribune has this report.

You can access the video of today’s Supreme Court of Minnesota ، argument via this link.

Posted at 10:08 PM
by Howard Bashman

“The Justices Are Bad Gun Historians; The Supreme Court’s recent rulings on gun rights play fast and loose with the country’s traditions of owning and regulating firearms”: Professor Jack Rakove has this essay online at The Wall Street Journal.

Posted at 9:37 PM
by Howard Bashman

“Are we really going to let Pa.’s richest man buy a state Supreme Court seat? Two right-wing billionaires are spending a small fortune to elect a Republican to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Why is justice for sale?” Columnist Will Bunch has this essay online at The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Posted at 9:25 PM
by Howard Bashman

“Charlie Adelson trial Day 6, Part 1: Charlie tells his version.” Peter Sc،rsch of Florida Politics has this report.

Posted at 9:05 PM
by Howard Bashman

“Why the Supreme Court’s wasted time on ethics may cost it”: Joan Biskupic of CNN has this news ،ysis.

Posted at 9:46 AM
by Howard Bashman

“Wisconsin Supreme Court drama absent from annual chief justice s،ch”: Andrew Bahl of The Cap Times has this report.

Posted at 9:45 AM
by Howard Bashman

“Fox’s Soon-to-Be Former CLO Has No Regrets, Not Even Dominion”: You can access the new installment of David Lat’s “Exclusive Jurisdiction” column for Bloomberg Law at this link.

Posted at 9:42 AM
by Howard Bashman

“Bill Clinton’s Lower-Court Appointments, By The Numbers; The statistics reveal a mixed story”: Ed Whelan has this post at his “Confirmation Tales” Substack site.

Posted at 9:36 AM
by Howard Bashman

“‘I will testify’: Charlie Adelson to take the stand; state rests with bombs، wire taps.” Jeff Burlew of The Tallah،ee Democrat has this report.

The Tallah،ee Democrat is live-streaming the trial on YouTube, and you can access today’s video feed via this link.

Posted at 8:24 AM
by Howard Bashman

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