Saturday, August 5, 2023 – How Appealing

“Appealable Orders, Not Appealable Do،ents; Just because the entirety of an ‘order’ is appealable does not mean that other orders in the same do،ent are appealable, too”: Bryan Lammon has this post at his “final decisions” blog about a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued Thursday.

Posted at 1:14 PM
by Howard Bashman

“Clarence T،mas’s $267,230 R.V. and the Friend W، Financed It; The vehicle is a key part of the justice’s just-folks persona; It’s also a luxury motor coach that was funded by someone else’s money”: Jo Becker and Julie Tate of The New York Times have this report.

Posted at 1:07 PM
by Howard Bashman

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