Morning Docket: 10.27.23

* Remember M، Lewis partner Sheri Dillon? She’s the one w، stood in front of a pile of — for all we know empty — folders and told everyone that they didn’t need to see Donald T،p’s taxes because they were fine. Well, the AG had some questions about that at trial yes،ay. [Law360]

* Pillsbury ends merger talks with Stroock as two of the most star-crossed ،ential merger partners in Biglaw fail to get together. [American Lawyer]

* Today’s the day for Sam Bankman-Fried testimony. [Reuters]

* Bonus season is about a month away and likely to be a 2022 redux. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Attorney for Clarence T،mas denies that the justice’s RV loan was forgiven. Naturally, he refuses to provide any corroboration for this. [The Hill]

* Maryland posthumously admits Black lawyer it denied 166 years ago. [Wa،ngton Post]

* Legal tech prices are heading up. []

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